"Иногда важно уметь говорить, потому что и в молчании – нет большого смысла." ©
Very short episode, I remember it not very well and I know why =)
It contains reflections of my fears.

He said something like nothing between us is possible or it's over.
In short, he cut me out.

I said as he wishes, but it's not the only option.
I thought that it's my faoult that he acts like that cuz there was not enough time to fix damage I made by my negative attitude.

Thoughts about it

@темы: Поток сознания, Я и мое безумие, English, Влияние, Follow your bliss, Цели, Жизнеутверждающее, Elisson, Жизненное, Страхи, Сны