"Иногда важно уметь говорить, потому что и в молчании – нет большого смысла." ©
When you hold a contradiction best way to know if you are doing right is to try.
Life always shows the reality of any theory and guessing. While it lives inside of head it's just another illusion.
All you have to do is keep trying every possible option until something will work out or you are dead.
In that case everything what happens is fair. And nothing wrong can occur in life.
It barely requires an adaptation to changing situation and change of perspectives.
A search of new ways.
The conception of failure belongs to egoic mind.
When plans collapse for EGO it's equal to death.
This state of mind generates continuous fear and emotions about what has to be done and what hasn’t.
This mental activity burns out the energy and other resources required to achieve success in any occasion.
Emotions simply bring closer failures. That's why something we fear always happens.
We are making this result with our own hands (thoughts and emotions).
The activity of mind should include only process of searching for decisions of what to do and how to do.
Mind creates a list of possibilities and makes a simple calculation about possibilities which won't work according to the situation.
When it starts to infect other options with emotional state it's the first sign that you need to end up thinking and to start acting.
And after all have happened I'm making simple conclusion: sex is not for me.
Life always shows the reality of any theory and guessing. While it lives inside of head it's just another illusion.
All you have to do is keep trying every possible option until something will work out or you are dead.
In that case everything what happens is fair. And nothing wrong can occur in life.
It barely requires an adaptation to changing situation and change of perspectives.
A search of new ways.
The conception of failure belongs to egoic mind.
When plans collapse for EGO it's equal to death.
This state of mind generates continuous fear and emotions about what has to be done and what hasn’t.
This mental activity burns out the energy and other resources required to achieve success in any occasion.
Emotions simply bring closer failures. That's why something we fear always happens.
We are making this result with our own hands (thoughts and emotions).
The activity of mind should include only process of searching for decisions of what to do and how to do.
Mind creates a list of possibilities and makes a simple calculation about possibilities which won't work according to the situation.
When it starts to infect other options with emotional state it's the first sign that you need to end up thinking and to start acting.
And after all have happened I'm making simple conclusion: sex is not for me.