"Иногда важно уметь говорить, потому что и в молчании – нет большого смысла." ©
ART, mass-media and our own EGO teaches us that Love is a magical force that connects hearts and through another person can make things right, us happy and fulfilled to the rest of our days, solve all of the problems and etc...
That love connects people through all the difficulties, helps to solve all conflicts and contradictions...

Well, sorry to say this, sweethearts...
It's all a bullshit.

Love does nothing of that.
Only people do.
But used to shift resposibility for own actions on shoulders of Love, God and others...
We gain the power to create any miracle in our lifes if we only wish to... But waiting for SOMEBODY else to cast them... Waiting for mysterious others to act for us.
And we prefer to watch for others and their mistakes keeping our own shit completely unnoticed.

Love is a word that for centuries was used to implant lies into people's minds and cover their own shit like desires, fears and needs.

I often hear why can't we just love?
But... Like we know how to love. Are we patient enough to accept others as they are with their life, beliefs, points of view and problems? Or we just force them to accept us and continuously demand to feed our needs...
There are a lot of things except love to do.
We cannot force someone to sacrifice their life for us.
Love is a gift given by a choice of free will which can never be inflicted or used for trade.
But usually we make gifts expecting something in return.
There is no love.

Does anybody know what Love really means?
Does anybody know how to Love?

Of course, Love exists.
As a vibrant energy it flows through us, runs in our veins, shines in our eyes.
Makes us Live.

It guards us from all the negativity in the world if we chose to open ourselves completely.
We can light the Fire in somebody's life through our love. And let them go, let them be as they are.

Love is generous.
Love is a Light which illuminates the Darkness in our own soul.
And it does no more.

@темы: Поток сознания, Я и мое безумие, English, Follow your bliss, Размышления, Жизнеутверждающее, Жизненное