"Иногда важно уметь говорить, потому что и в молчании – нет большого смысла." ©
“Love is always patient and kind.
It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited.
It is never rude or selfish.
It does not take offense and is not resentful.
Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins, but delights in the truth.
It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes.”
It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited.
It is never rude or selfish.
It does not take offense and is not resentful.
Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins, but delights in the truth.
It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes.”
― Anonymous, Holy Bible: New International Version