"Иногда важно уметь говорить, потому что и в молчании – нет большого смысла." ©

First Dream (Winter before NY)

I see him at his place (Moscow). It's dark and he says that he is very tired.

This time I trust him as I feel that he is tired.

Second Dream (January of 2016, when he trevaled home)

I am at his place in Brasil with my friend (blond girl I actually don't know). She disappears and I fell asleep.

When I woke up I went to see if he is sleeping yet. He was sleeping and I closed the door to his room.

After a while she left his room really happy and he came after her, asking me where I've been and I replied "This ain't my fault that u stick at any hole u see!"

He was very surprised with my words as he didn’t understand why I am so pissed off and left this place in silence.

I woke up with a feeling that I am very stupid.

Third Dream (February 2016 ?)

This is a night club or concert hall.

His playing this evening on guitar and I am waiting him to say hi.

I am trying to chase him when he finishes playing, but I wake up before I got a chance to say any word...

Forth Dream (April 2016)

Trying to meet him I find money and go to his city in Brasil.

I am walking around the streets to his place and then I see his mother in a yard...

I hide thinking that such a white and red-haired girl like me standing out and what would she think of me when she sees me?

And I woke up...

Fifth Dream (27.04.2016)
I recieve a call and see his name. Shoked and exited I pick up the phone saying Hello.
And I here russian speech. Very surprised I follow the coversation. It's short.
When it ends I check the phone and see that were some spam calling with similar letters as his name.
I am dissapointed. And I am sure about what I saw, but...

Sixth Dream (First part of May)
I'm sitting somewhere in the room.
He is sitting next to me at a computer doesn't pay attention to my presence.
Studing I thought.

ЗЫ Как выяснилось, сны о конкретных людях я сейчас чаще всего вижу вещие... Т.е. отражающие реальность какого-то текущего момента.

@темы: Поток сознания, Я и мое безумие, English, Follow your bliss, Жизнеутверждающее, Elisson, Сны