The accidental of life always wondered me.

I was questioning myself for a very long periods of time: what is the key essence of communication with other people in my life?
Why does one communication survive despite of all of the obstacles and challenges and another dies without a reason?

And I didn't really had an answer till now.

I awlays take what people are ready to give. I never demand or force because it's against my principles.
I respect other's manifestation of free will, privacy and rights to do with their life everything they want.

I can accept every fucking thing people do to me: lies, betrayals, treasons, misunderstandings... Those things are none of my concern.
I understand how this life works. So, I can forgive everything no matter how painful it is for me... I don't burn bridges.
People come and go freely.
If I let someone in this person will have warm place in my heart till the end of my days.
It's a lifetime contract.

But on one simple term: I have to feel that I'm needed that those people really WANT to be part of my life.
I'm not talking about egoic manifestations like social benefits that people can use from me but about something that comes out of the Core.

You cannot force somebody to like you.

There are lots of people in my life who are very dissimilar to me.
We have different lifes, ideologies, points of view and belifes and we stay together despite all of that.

Cause our wish is stronger.

This I want in my life.
And I'm ready to accept such challenges, overcome those obstacles and do everything I can to save those relations.

The rest will pass by.